2025 Geotechnical Value-Add for Underground Construction Workshop

March 10, 2025
Vancouver, BC
University of British Columbia- Robson Square Campus

The Geotechnical Value-Add for Underground Construction Workshop is presented by the Canadian Underground Infrastructure Innovation Centre at the University of British Columbia – Robson Square Campus on March 10, 2025.

This workshop is dedicated to exploring how optimized use of geotechnical information can drive the success of underground construction projects. Featuring presentations from pipeline and utility owners, as well as perspectives from consultants and contractors, the workshop aims to enhance productivity, mitigate risks, and improve outcomes in underground construction.

Designed for a diverse audience of practitioners—including engineers, contractors, consultants, and project owners—this workshop offers valuable insights and practical strategies to elevate the efficiency and reliability of underground construction projects. Attendees will get a chance to earn CEUs from the Engineering Institute of Canada.

Registration Rates

  • Full Workshop Access
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Coffee Breaks
  • CEUs from the Engineering Institute of Canada (by request)

CUIIC Member Rate

$550 CAD

Non-Member Rate

$650 CAD



Mar 10

7:00 a.m.

Registration and Breakfast

All attendees are invited to a catered breakfast, included with registration.

8:00 a.m.


Dr. Alireza Bayat, Professor, University of Alberta / Director, CUIIC

Dr. Alireza Bayat will provide a workshop overview and welcome attendees and speakers for the day.

8:15 a.m.

Designing a Geotechnical Investigation

Jeremy Groves, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, BGC Engineering

Jeremy Groves, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. (BC, AB), is a Senior Geotechnical Engineer at BGC with over 15 years of consulting experience in geotechnical engineering for oil and gas pipeline and facility development through Western Canada. He completed a Masters of Applied Science in Civil Engineering at the University of British Columbia where he acquired specialized skills in advanced soil mechanics, geotechnical earthquake engineering, and advanced soil-pipe interaction research. He specializes at BGC in geotechnical hazard assessments and strain-based analysis for pipelines.

9:00 a.m.

Use of HDD as a Geotechnical Investigation Tool

Dr. Alireza Bayat, Professor, University of Alberta / Director, CUIIC

9:45 a.m.

Coffee / Networking Break

Grab a coffee and network with attendees.

10:00 a.m.

Trenchless Techniques for Problematic Soils

Carrie Murray, Geotechnical Engineer, Senior Principal, Stantec

Trenchless technology offers innovative solutions for installing pipelines and utilities without extensive surface disruption. This presentation explores the application of trenchless techniques in problematic soils, which pose significant challenges due to swelling, running and raveling ground behavior, shallow groundwater levels and highly variable geology. Key methods such as horizontal directional drilling (HDD), Direct Steerable Pipe Thrusting (DSPT), microtunneling, auger boring and pipe ramming will be discussed, highlighting their advantages and limitations in different soil conditions. Case studies will illustrate successful implementations, demonstrating how these techniques can mitigate risk, reduce project timelines, and minimize environmental impact. Attendees will gain insights into the latest advancements in trenchless technology, best practices for geotechnical assessment, and strategies for trenchless method selection. By understanding the capabilities and constraints of trenchless methods, engineers and project managers can make informed decisions to ensure the success of their underground infrastructure projects in problematic soil conditions.

Carrie is a geotechnical trenchless leader specializing in feasibility and risk assessment, design and construction of complex crossings using horizontal directional drilling (HDD), direct steerable pipe thrusting (DSPT), microtunneling, pipe jacking, auger bore and pipe ramming methods. Carrie was a contributor to the Trenchless Techniques chapter for Pipeline Geohazards published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) in 2019. Carrie is responsible for driving quality and innovation for the Canadian geotechnical practice in Stantec. Her trenchless portfolio includes preparation of geotechnical assessments and engineering deliverables such as drawings and calculations, risk analysis, providing construction oversight of trenchless construction and producing publications addressing geotechnical aspects of trenchless design and construction having completed hundreds of trenchless crossing projects.

10:45 a.m.

Geohazards Assessment

Joel Van Hove, Pipeline Team Lead and Senior Geotechnical Engineer, BGC Engineering

11:15 a.m.

Geotechnical Seismic Analysis of Underground Infrastructure

Paul Wilson, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Thurber Engineering

Seismic performance of underground infrastructure is critical to both immediate emergency response and post-seismic recovery. This presentation will include an overview of seismic performance objectives for underground infrastructure and geotechnical seismic analysis methodologies.

Paul Wilson is a Principal with Thurber Engineering’s Vancouver office and has over 20 years of experience on major projects in BC. This includes the Trans Mountain Pipeline Spread 5B, LNG Canada Plant Site, G3 Grain Export Terminal, BC Place Roof Replacement, Richmond Speed Skating Oval, Sea-to-Sky Highway, Gordie Howe Detroit Windsor Bridge, Port Mann / Highway 1, Evergreen Skytrain Line, Highway 91/17 Interchange and the Kicking Horse Canyon Phase 4.

Paul is actively involved in design guideline and code development including Section 6 of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC) and EGBC Guidelines for school retrofits, site response analysis and seismic design of dikes.

12:00 p.m.

Lunch / Networking Break

Enjoy a catered lunch, included with registration.

1:00 p.m.

Down-the-Hole Hammer - Case Study

Ben Campbell, Technical Sales, The Crossing Company

1:30 p.m.

Site C Diversion Tunnels - Case Study

Ann Wen, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, Klohn Crippen Berger

The Site C Clean Energy Project is located in northeast British Columbia, Canada. The 1100 MW hydroelectric project includes two diversion tunnels 700 m and 792 m long, excavated to nominal 12 m diameter. Final, concrete-lined diameter is 10.8 m. Host rock is a horizontally bedded weak clay shale classes as ISRM R1 to R2. Despite the weak rock mass classification, the construction of a fully instrumented 11-m diameter Test Chamber at the location of the diversion tunnels demonstrated the ground behaviour was essentially elastic, recording a few millimetres of convergence. That experience was factored into the layout of the diversion tunnels and the design of the support system. The tunnel support system of tensioned rock bolts and fibre-reinforced shotcrete with steel sets at the portals performed well during excavation. Since Site C reservoir filling began in August 2024, the upstream gates for the tunnels have been permanently closed with the remaining construction tasks being backfilling the tunnels and constructing the tunnel plugs.

This presentation will provide an overview of the project site geology, historical investigation specifically related to the tunnels, the tunnel design and construction and performance after construction.

Ann is a senior geotechnical engineer with Klohn Crippen Berger with 16 years of experience in geotechnical design, project management, project engineering and coordination, construction support, risk analyses and design scheduling in civil and mining infrastructures projects. She has been on the Site C project since 2008, first as the design engineer for all the underground workings across the site, and recently as the deputy area manager for the Main Civil Works engineering design team.

2:15 p.m.

Excavations - An Overview of Different Techniques

Dan Sims, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, KGS Group

Underground infrastructure generally requires excavations to facilitate construction. This presentation is intended to explain the different types of excavations and shoring techniques commonly available, their applicability to certain ground conditions and the inherent trade-offs between them. Cost and risk is discussed, aiming to provide key insights whether you are an owner, contractor or consultant.

Mr. Sims has 16 years of experience in the field of geotechnical engineering. Originally from New Zealand, he has developed geotechnical experience across a wide range of topics including the design of excavations and temporary shoring throughout his career. He has been involved in a number of large local projects utilizing shoring techniques including anchored shotcrete, compression ring, piles and lagging, secant piles and sheet piles and pre-engineered systems.

2:45 p.m.

Coffee / Networking Break

Grab a coffee and network with attendees.

3:00 p.m.

Geotechnical Instrumentation for Different Geotechnical Applications

Rob Mills, Thurber Engineering and Hayley Croteau, GEOKON

Geotechnical instrumentation is a vital component to the success of any investigation and construction project. Instrumentation specialists work with geotechnical, materials, and environmental engineers to measure and monitor a variety of soil and groundwater conditions. This includes soil deformation on slopes, anchor loads, groundwater levels, water quality, temperatures, and strain in structures. The information helps engineers understand site conditions accurately to mitigate risks on, above, or below the ground during the design, construction, and post-construction phases.

A variety of instruments and data collection systems are available to meet the specific needs of a site, whether it be in a busy urban environment or off-grid at a remote site. Automated data collection systems can also be equipped with telemetry to allow remote access to the data, thereby reducing the number of site visits. This presentation provides information about some of these instruments and field applications.

Mr. Mills completed his B.Sc. in Civil Engineering and an M.Eng. degree in Geotechnical Engineering at the University of Alberta. He is based in Edmonton, Alberta and works at Thurber Engineering Ltd. (Thurber). He has served Thurber in various roles since joining the firm in 1998. He is currently a Senior Associate of the company and specializes in geotechnical instrumentation assignments across western Canada.

Rob has experience in geotechnical investigations and the design, construction, and testing of deep foundations for commercial and infrastructure developments in Alberta and BC. He is also actively involved in planning the installation of geotechnical instrumentation for various monitoring applications, including the installation of surface data logger equipment with remote access capabilities.

Hayley Croteau, P.Eng., is the Western Canada Regional Director at GEOKON. She is based in Metro Vancouver, and is a Professional Engineer (registered in BC) with a B.A.Sc. in Geological Engineering from the University of British Columbia. She worked for AMEC Infrastructure and Environment in Northern BC as a geotechnical engineer for five years after graduation, gaining a wide variety of experience across different applications, industries and geographies. She has spent the past thirteen years working for geotechnical instrumentation manufacturers, helping engineers define and optimize their instrumentation and monitoring systems, leveraging her field and application experience from her consulting role. She has been involved in instrumentation programs across the globe in industries ranging from infrastructure to mining, oil and gas, renewable energy and hydroelectric dams and enjoys working to define the best solution for each project’s needs.

3:30 p.m.

Jet Grout Ground Improvement for Trenchless/Tunnelling Projects

Robert Mawe, Project Director, Matcon

This presentation explores the use of jet grouting for ground improvement for trenchless and tunneling projects. We will provide a brief overview of multiple ground improvement options and look at when jet grouting may be best employed over other options. The presentation will describe the technical aspects of jet grouting and typical applications, including but not limited to cut off walls, seismic upgrades, shoring, shaft construction, bottom slabs, mass ground improvement. In particular we 2 case studies will be reviewed where grouting has been used for ground improvement on tunneling and trenchless projects in Western Canada. The Evergreen Line Skytrain project utilized jet grouting to provide safe havens along its near 2km run in heterogenous soils. The trenchless crossing for Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion and South West Edmonton Connector both utilized a modified application of jet grouting to assist in the successful crossing. Furthermore the approach to planning for this ground improvement will be explored, to provide insight on how it may be applied in the future.

Rob is a construction professional specializing in deep foundations at Matcon, where he leads all grouting operations. Started his journey in Ireland at University College Cork where he graduated with a bachelors degree in Civil Engineering. Worked in civil construction before emigrating to Canada. Found a home at Matcon where he had the great fortune of working with a local expert Paolo Gazzarini on 3 large grouting projects from 2010-2012, the highlight being the Interim Seismic Upgrade at John Hart Dam. This ignited a passion for jet grouting. Over the past 15 years Rob has completed jet grouting for variety of applications across multiple industries. Not just a grouter he works with Cased Secant Piles, CIP’s, Micropiling, Shotcrete & Tie Back Anchors and other shoring techniques. Services are offered Canada wide. Currently living in Innisfil, Ontario with his wife Audrey.

4:15 p.m.

Conclusion / Interactive Quiz

Dr. Alireza Bayat, Professor, University of Alberta / Director, CUIIC

Take part in the live interactive quiz and see how your answers rank amongst the other attendees.

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