AVERTEX Utility Solutions Inc. | CUIIC Member

May 9, 2022

The Canadian Underground Infrastructure Innovation Centre is pleased to welcome AVERTEX Utility Solutions Inc. as a CUIIC Member.

Founded in 2003, AVERTEX is a diversified underground utility contractor with a head office in Orangeville, ON and regional offices in Smithville, ON & Okotoks, AB. They focus on projects throughout Ontario & Alberta but also perform work in other provinces across Canada on a project specific basis.

To learn more about AVERTEX please visit www.avertex.ca.

About CUIIC:
The Canadian Underground Infrastructure Innovation Centre (CUIIC) was established in 2022. CUIIC is a cross-Canada initiative located at the University of Alberta. We have partners at the University of Waterloo and members across Canada. CUIIC focuses on providing stakeholders with opportunities to collaborate on research and training opportunities in underground infrastructure. Together, we foster innovation to provide cost-effective, sustainable solutions to the challenges involved in building, assessing, and rehabilitating underground infrastructure.