Join the CUIIC Rehabilitation Committee

Sep 20, 2022

The Canadian Underground Infrastructure Innovation Centre (CUIIC), a research and education centre focused on important issues of underground infrastructure, is in the process of forming the first Technical Committee focused on Underground Infrastructure Rehabilitation.
CUIIC is located at the University of Alberta in Edmonton and focuses on providing stakeholders across all sectors with opportunities to collaborate on research and training opportunities in underground infrastructure.

A steering committee, chaired by Dr. Mark Knight at the University of Waterloo is formed and the committee is looking for CUIIC Member volunteers to assist with the development of the committee.

The Committee will focus on industry leading programming that will advance Canada’s underground infrastructure asset management, condition assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation while using innovative clean technologies.

Together, we foster innovation to provide cost-effective, sustainable solutions to the challenges involved in building, assessing, and rehabilitating underground infrastructure.

The first committee meeting is planned for the beginning of October 2022.

If you are interested in being part of this industry leading committee and are a current or prospective CUIIC Member, please fill out the form below.

For more information please email Alyscia Sutch, Marketing and Communication Coordinator