The Canadian Underground Infrastructure Innovation Centre (CUIIC) Innovation Forum is a yearly event that showcases cutting-edge solutions and major trends in underground infrastructure. This year’s event will be held at the University of Alberta on May 25, 2023 and is open to both CUIIC members and non-members. Attendees can expect informative presentations, a tour of the university’s lab facilities, and the CUIIC Annual General Meeting.
CUIIC is a world-class hub for research, education and innovation in underground infrastructure and currently has over 50 member organizations nationally and internationally. The 2023 CUIIC Innovation Forum promises to be an exciting and valuable experience for anyone interested in advancing their knowledge and involvement in underground infrastructure.
Join CUIIC Members and other industry colleagues as we showcase cutting-edge solutions and major trends in underground infrastructure. Presentations will be given by EPCOR, ATCO, Dura-Line and the University of Alberta. You will also have the opportunity to tour University of Alberta Lab Facilities.
Registration Includes:
– Full Access to Presentations
– Networking Opportunities
– Catered Lunch
– CUIIC Annual General Meeting
– University Lab Tours
View Agenda and Order Tickets!
CUIIC Member Rate: $50.00
Non-Member Rate: $100.00
Student Rate: Free
Fred Pheasey Engineering Commons, 8th floor Donadeo Innovation Centre for Engineering
9211 116 street NW
Edmonton, AB T6G 1H9
For more information please contact