Sturgeon County | Utility & Waste Management Services | CUIIC Member

Jan 30, 2024

The Canadian Underground Infrastructure Innovation Centre would like to welcome Sturgeon County | Utility & Waste Management Services as a CUIIC Member.

Sturgeon County | Utility & Waste Management Services (UWMS) provides essential water and wastewater services to the residents and businesses of Sturgeon County. Sturgeon County is a municipal district in the Edmonton Metropolitan Region of Alberta, Canada.

To learn more about Sturgeon County | Utility & Waste Management Services visit

Sturgeon County | Utility & Waste Management Services:
​UWMS operates and maintains 13 water facilities with linked distribution systems, and 7 wastewater facilities with associated low pressure or gravity sanitary sewers. UWMS is committed to proactive maintenance of our water and wastewater assets, with an overarching goal to guarantee the lowest possible overall capital and operating costs over the life of the assets.

About CUIIC:
The Canadian Underground Infrastructure Innovation Centre (CUIIC) was established in 2022. CUIIC is a cross-Canada initiative located at the University of Alberta. We have partners at the University of Waterloo and members across Canada. CUIIC focuses on providing stakeholders with opportunities to collaborate on research and training opportunities in underground infrastructure. Together, we foster innovation to provide cost-effective, sustainable solutions to the challenges involved in building, assessing, and rehabilitating underground infrastructure.