The Canadian Underground Infrastructure Innovation Centre would like to welcome Trelleborg Ancaster as a CUIIC Member.
Trelleborg is a one stop shop servicing the trenchless pipeline rehabilitation industry. They manufacture premium products and equipment.
To learn more about Trelleborg visit
About Trelleborg Ancaster:
Trelleborg Sealing Profiles is part of Trelleborg Group. Our aspiration is to help the world become safe, silent and energy efficient by being the market leading sealing system provider in the building industry and within selected product niches in the automotive and renewable energy industries.
We claim a premium position by being the solution provider that delivers the highest product quality and are among the front runners in product innovation. Additionally, we differentiate ourselves by being easy to do business with. This is reflected across all customer touch points; sales, development, delivery and support, taking your project from concept, through manufacturing, to testing and installation with expert polymer engineering.
About CUIIC:
The Canadian Underground Infrastructure Innovation Centre (CUIIC) was established in 2022. CUIIC is a cross-Canada initiative located at the University of Alberta. We have partners at the University of Waterloo and members across Canada. CUIIC focuses on providing stakeholders with opportunities to collaborate on research and training opportunities in underground infrastructure. Together, we foster innovation to provide cost-effective, sustainable solutions to the challenges involved in building, assessing, and rehabilitating underground infrastructure.